Monday, 18 March 2013

What actully is Being Hindu or The Vedantist !!!

Shubh Prabhat friends !!!

Hinduism is not just a Religion in today's definition of Religion which is limited to the spirituality only.

Hinduism is unique !!! The most obvious misconception about Hinduism is that we tend to see it as just another religion. To be precise, Hinduism is a way of life, a dharma. Dharma does not mean religion. It is the law that governs all action. Thus, contrary to popular perception, Hinduism is not just a religion in the tradition sense of the term. Out of this misinterpretation, has come most of the misconceptions about Hinduism.

Hinduism: A Modern Term

Words like Hindu or Hinduism are ananchronisms. They do not exist in the Indian cultural lexicon. People have coined them to suit their needs in different points of history. Nowhere in the scriptures is there any reference to Hinduism.
A Culture More than a Religion
Hinduism does not have any one founder, and it does not have a Bible or a Koran to which controversies can be referred for resolution. Consequently, it does not require its adherents to accept any one idea. It is thus cultural, not creedal, with a history contemporaneous with the peoples with which it is associated.
Much More than Spirituality
Writings we now categorise as Hindu scriptures include not just books relating to spirituality but also secular pursuits like science, medicine and engineering. This is another reason why it defies classification as a religion per se. Further, it cannot be claimed to be essentially a school of metaphysics. Nor can it be described as 'other worldly'. In fact, one can almost identify Hinduism with a civilization that is flourishing even now.
What is so Special about Hinduism
Hinduism is the most ancient religion in the world. It is also known as Sanatan Dharma, which means the eternal right path. Hinduism is never imposed on anybody. In fact it is the only religion in the world, which does not encourage conversion. This is the remarkable feature and nature of Hinduism, which cannot be even imagined by other religions who are always after conversions.

Hinduism is the religion of experience. It is not based on dogmas and creeds to be accepted with blind faith, but is based on self-realisation. It has produced numerous sages and saints like Swami Vivekananda, who had the vision of the Almighty and experienced God in their lives. Hinduism has a very close understanding and relation with the Almighty. Hindus believe that God is not sitting somewhere very far from the human and world. HE is everything and everywhere. For a Hindu, God is in daily life. Hinduism is often described as a way of life because it never separates religion from life and life from religion.

Hinduism is a religion of tolerance and patience and treats other religions with respect. Hinduism never persecuted anyone for his or her faith. Even when people of other religions are critical of Hindu Gods, sacred scriptures or mode of worship, Hindu saints always preach love and calmness. Hinduism gives due respect to each and every creature and to everything in the world. The aspects of nature like earth, sky, mountains, rivers and living beings like animals, plants and things like wealth, education etc are seen as divine and being connected to God. Hinduism considers all the creatures as children of God and the whole world as a single family.

Hinduism is a religion of freedom. It allows the individual absolute freedom in faith and mode of worship. It does not insist that God could be obtained only through a particular name, place or path.

Hinduism is a tradition of ever growing knowledge. It has taught scientific truths centuries before the advent of science in other countries. Hinduism does not separate science from religion. The tantric literature of Hinduism deals with all sorts of science.

Hindus have a reason to be proud of their religion.

Signing off I would say that The term "Hindu" has been hotly debated for a long time, but a firm definition has proved to be elusive.

In an order sometime back, the Supreme Court had ruled "Hinduism is a way of life".
Finally above all our constitution gives the following definition to Hinduism...
“Hindu refers to an identity associated with the philosophical, religious and cultural systems that are indigenous to the Indian subcontinent."
As used in the Constitution of India, the word "Hindu" is attributed to all persons professing any Indian religion (i.e. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism or Sikhism).

1 comment:

  1. Namaste!!!
    I agree. THis is the need of the time. TO have a radical view of Hinduism
